Managing Leaders

How to be a Boss People Admire

Discover the essential qualities of an admirable boss and become the kind of leader that employees truly respect.

There is this saying that “employees do not leave companies; they leave bad bosses”. In a lot of instances, employees have resigned due to the way they were treated by the boss. It is therefore clear that leaders in every organisation play an important role in employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

However, no human being is infallible. So, how can any imperfect being who is the boss become worthy of being admired and what characteristics should such a person possess?

A great boss must be a true leader and should not lack these traits:  

1.  Integrity and Honesty

A great boss is one who has a moral compass and great principles by which they abide. S/he has integrity and will always side with the truth, no matter the circumstance. Such a person is big on honesty – their word must be their bond; they are trustworthy and leave no room for others to question their intents. Honesty breeds trust and with trust comes open communication which strengthens the bond between bosses and their subordinates.

2.   Open communication

Communication is the bedrock of any thriving relationship and any boss that is a great communicator will be admirable. As a boss, it is not enough to pass messages to your subordinates without hearing from them. Great communication is a two-way street, not a monologue. You should also listen—not with divided attention—when junior employees speak, bring up ideas or share feedback.

3.   Fairness in all Ramifications

To be admired by employees, a boss has to be fair in all decisions. It might seem difficult because, as humans, we always have our preferences. But knowing that and controlling it is what differentiates a great boss from others. Never let your sentiments get the better of you. Be fair to all parties in all decisions.

4.   High Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)

This is a must-have. It is the ability to discern, empathise, manage, and understand one’s emotions and those of others in a positive way. With a high emotional intelligence quotient, a great boss can motivate and regulate emotions within themselves and also help employees whenever the need arises. A great boss is able to “read the room” and understand what or what not to say or do and when.

5.   Decisiveness

A great boss is decisive and firm. S/he weighs every decision, reviews the pros and cons of each decision before making them and then sticks to the decision that was made. If a boss makes and rescinds always, it makes them look incompetent and that’s not a good trait for an admirable boss. Such bosses are however smart and courageous enough to rescind any ineffectual decision at the appropriate time.

Put these 5 traits into practice and watch as you become a boss people admire. What more do you think will make one a good boss?

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