Managing Processes

7 Must-have HR Modules for your Organisation

Human Resource Management (HRM) processes have evolved over the years, with the growing interest in the need to give employees the best opportunities for optimal performance, and to inherently boost revenue.

These inter-related, complex and often difficult tasks could be overwhelming for HR managers, leaving little or no room for strategic planning and proper fusing of their execution into the firm’s operations.

It is therefore important to consider an intuitive and innovative solution that delivers data accuracy, efficient management and enables the aggregation of multi-sourced data for quality decision-making.

When choosing an HR solution, it must have these 7 modules in order to enhance your operational productivity:

  1. Employee Information Management

The beginning of proper HR management is having the right staff data for a comprehensive insight into the type and capacity of the workforce. A good solution simplifies this process and eliminates hours of searching through hardcopy files for relevant staff information whenever required.

2. Administration Module

This helps you manage organisational structure and data through predefined metrics which enable seamless exchanges, approvals and decision-making. There should be clearly defined access rights for users and automated workflows for various processes to eliminate the need for time-consuming manual approval processes.

3. Performance Management

A fit-for-purpose appraisal system is key to evaluating individual and collective contributions towards set organisational objectives. This module simplifies the management of various appraisal systems including the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or the Balanced Scorecard systems for an appraisal cycle.

4. Leave Management

According to a popular proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. You can now ensure that your employees take the needed rests as and when due, using a leave management solution to specify applicable leave types, staff entitlements, applicable allowances and schedule vacation times among others while ensuring a smooth handover.

5. Expense Management

Certain jobs demand staff to spend on behalf of companies, and on time too. This process can however be taxing due to the required audits and approval requirements. Automating the entire flow from advances to retirements or even re-imbursements and all the settings to align with company policies is the sure way to go!

6. Payroll Management

Another major source of expenditure of organisations is the compensation system, which largely involves the payroll. You can achieve more productive time for other HR functions and avoid falling on the wrong side of the law when you automate this complex process with the right application.

7. Self-Service

The self-service module empowers employees to comprehensively manage their personal information as well as drive transaction flows, approvals and feedback to monitor progress with relevant processes. Strict access rights should be applied as expected of a standard business support application.

In addition, when all activities have been carried out on the system — transactions passed, approvals given and major processes completed, reporting is the output that makes the work worthwhile for decision-making. Also, a comprehensive solution should have an up-to-date reporting system with easy-to-use infographics for high-level information from the solution.

You need not worry about where and how you can get all these benefits in one solution.

HumanManager, known for its 28 years of optimising workforce and talent management processes, can give you all these benefits and more.

Visit now to request a DEMO and get started!

Managing Processes

6 Proven Tips for Expense Management in your Organisation

Manual expense management is often a complex process in business, with loads of paperwork and spreadsheets that only result in lots of data entry, large investment of time, and careful maintenance of records — with no guarantee that the process will be error-free, no matter how meticulous it gets.

In order to stem these challenges, some organisations have come up with expense policies to streamline types of expenditure, their rates and/or even limits to which they can be incurred. They also have a process of getting funds in advance or reimbursed. But monitoring and enforcements of such policies remains a challenge.

A little purchase here and a staff travel and logistics cost there can quickly pile up your running cost. If you do not manage your spending and keep it at the barest minimum, it could result in a sizeable bill that you are not prepared for.

This is why as a manager, an admin or HR professional in any organisation, these proven tips will help to improve your expense management. Take a dive!

1. Do a Comprehensive Analysis

Carry out a thorough review of your organisation’s expense policy to define what types of expense will be reimbursed, how expenses should be submitted and how they will be reimbursed. Also, make sure to clearly inform and educate your employees to ensure that they act accordingly. But if you do not have an expense policy, create one today!

2. Have a Budget

Budgets help to set expense and revenue goals. When you know how much you can spend, you can more easily manage your spending. If your revenue is lower than budgeted, find ways to cut expenses and increase income. You can also establish metrics that are meaningful to your business and at par with standard companies in your industry.

3. Get Tough on Fixed Costs

Don’t be complacent about fixed costs because they are generally recurrent and often reflect long-standing relationships with suppliers. You should periodically review market costs to see if you can get better deals from competing suppliers.

4. Reimburse your Employees Promptly

Delayed reimbursements is a common problem. Ensure your staff turn in their requests in time and you act on it within the agreed time. This cultivates employee commitment and satisfaction. Also, let your employee know why an expense is not approved.

5. Cultivate Financial Discipline as a core Company Value

Financial literacy should be extended to your staff through decision-making and team-building, so they are better able to control their own costs. Also, you should actively involve your employees in the cost management process, and seek cost effective ways of operation.

6. Implement an Expense Management Solution

Having a software to ensure an automated reimbursement process gives you and other members of staff ample time to focus on other tasks, and remain motivated to perform better. Such solution will facilitate the submission or reporting of expenses by employees from any location for review and approval by managers from anywhere and at any time.

HumanManager can help your organisation manage its expenses, approval workflow, and required controls, as well as provide adequate reports and generate accounting journals based on your requirement.

HumanManager offers your employees the flexibility and ease to submit their receipts and get their managers’ approvals in real time. It is tested and trusted by hundreds of organisations to effectively manage their Claims and other HR needs including employee information, payroll, performance and leave.

Remember, that lovely quote by Benjamin Franklin: “a penny saved is a penny earned.”

Visit today to get started.