
Guide to Payroll Management for Global Teams 

By Aisosa Ajayi

In today’s globalized world, businesses often extend their reach beyond national borders, establishing global teams. Managing payroll across different countries poses unique challenges. Here are five essential strategies for Human resources, compensations, or total reward professionals to manage global payroll effectively, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and employee satisfaction. 

  1. Navigate Local Employment Laws 

Complying with local employment laws is crucial for global payroll management. Each country has unique tax system, employee rights, compensation standards, and mandatory benefits. Familiarize yourself with local payroll laws, including tax obligations, social security contributions, and labour requirements. Engage local payroll providers, tax consultants, or legal advisors to avoid legal issues and penalties. 

  1. Choose and Integrate Payroll Solutions 

Selecting the right payroll system is vital for efficiency and compliance. Use cloud-based software for multi-country payroll processing, offering automated tax calculations and custom currency conversions. Ensure integration with existing HR systems to streamline processes, reduce errors, and enhance reporting capabilities. 

  1. Establish Clear Communication and Policies 

Effective communication and transparent payroll policies are essential. Develop clear, accessible policies outlining payment schedules, benefits, and tax implications. Conduct regular check-ins with employees to address payroll-related questions and gather feedback for continuous improvement. This ensures everyone is informed and issues are promptly resolved. 

  1. Manage Currency and Exchange Rates 

Handling payments in different currencies and managing exchange rate fluctuations is critical for fair compensation. Pay employees in their local currency to avoid exchange rate issues. Regularly monitor exchange rates when local currency payments cannot maintain equitable pay standards.  

  1. Ensure Data Security and Privacy 

Protecting payroll data and complying with regulations like GDPR is paramount. Implement strong security protocols, such as encrypted data storage and secure access systems, to safeguard sensitive information. Train payroll teams on data privacy practices to ensure responsible handling of employee information and compliance with international standards. 

By focusing on these strategies, Total Reward professionals can effectively manage the complexities of global payroll, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and employee satisfaction. Embrace these practices to enhance overall employee satisfaction and strengthen human resource management. 

“Selecting the right payroll system is vital for efficiency and compliance”

About the Author

Aisosa Ajayi coordinates communications and experiential marketing at HumanManager, where he is responsible for curating and managing messaging, developing content, and staying attuned to industry trends in human resources management.

Managing Processes

5 Proven Hacks for Employee Goal Setting

By Obinna Kelvin Agomuo

Now performance appraisals have been done and we have already got acquainted with essential steps to take after a performance review. One of the key items to prioritize is goal setting for the next cycle. 

Setting goals is a fundamental practice that can drive both personal and professional growth. As employees transition from performance appraisal season, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the insights gained and look ahead. Whether a manager is guiding a team, or an employee is eager to chart their path, effective goal setting can be a game-changer. Here are five proven hacks to set goals that inspire action and lead to success. 

1. Align Goals with Company visions

The first step in goal setting is ensuring alignment with the organization’s broader objectives. When individual goals support the company’s visions, employees can see how their functions contribute to the larger picture. This creates a sense of purpose and motivation. For instance, if the organization is focusing on innovation, employees should set goals that encourage creative problem-solving and the development of new ideas. 

2. Make Goals SMART

A tried-and-true method for effective goal setting is the SMART criteria. Individual team members’ goals or deliverables must meet with the following to provide clarity and focus. 

  • Specific – Goals should be clear and specific. Instead of saying “I want to improve my sales,” I could say “I want to increase my sales by 20% in the next quarter”. Clearly define what needs to be achieved. Vague goals lead to vague results.
  • Measurable – Ensure the criteria to measure progress can be tracked and the outcome measured. This could be in terms of sales numbers, customer feedback, milestones, or deadlines.
  • Achievable – Set goals that are realistic and attainable. Overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration, while too easy goals can lead to complacency. 
  • Relevant – Ensure that your goals align with your aspirations and the company’s mission. This ensures that efforts are directed towards meaningful outcomes. 
  • Time-bound – Set a deadline for each goal. This instills a sense of urgency and helps prioritize tasks. 

For example, instead of setting a goal to “improve communication skills,” a SMART goal would be “to complete an advanced communication skills training by the end of Q3 and apply the techniques in team meetings.” 

3. Break Down Larger Goals into Smaller Tasks 

Large goals can often feel overwhelming. Breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks can make them more achievable. This not only makes the goals feel more achievable but also allows for easier tracking of progress. For instance, if the goal is to increase sales by 20% over the next year, it can be broken down into monthly or quarterly targets. 

4. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 

To ensure that goals are not only set but also met, it’s essential to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs are measurable values that demonstrate how effectively an individual or team is achieving key objectives. They provide a clear framework for monitoring progress and making data-driven decisions. For example, if an employee’s goal is to improve customer satisfaction, a relevant KPI could be the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Regularly tracking KPIs helps in identifying areas of improvement and ensuring that efforts are on the right track. 

5. Consider Personal Development 

While professional goals are crucial, it’s equally important to consider personal development goals. These can include improving soft skills, learning new technologies, or enhancing work-life balance. Personal development contributes to overall well-being and can positively impact professional performance. For instance, setting a goal to “finish a stress management course by the end of Q2” can help improve both personal health and workplace efficiency. 

Ready to take goal setting to the next level? HumanManager Performance Management system enables capturing of agreed goals through KPI’s, update of KPI progress and other competencies rating. Schedule a Demo now! 

Managing Processes

Essential Steps to Take After a Performance Review

By Olamide Abiwo

Performance reviews are foundational for effective employee feedback; however, the critical question remains: “Are performance reviews enough to ignite employee productivity and transformational growth?”   

While reviews offer valuable insights into strengths and weaknesses, they can leave employees uncertain without a clear path forward. Simply understanding areas for improvement is not enough. The key lies in translating this feedback into actionable steps, going beyond the review itself, and fostering a culture of continuous engagement. 

Here is how to ensure your performance review process becomes a catalyst for positive change: 

1. Foster Open Dialogue 

Following a performance review, an open dialogue is vital – whether praising a stellar performance, addressing poor performance, or discussing termination. This allows both managers and employees to align their perspectives on performance, fostering mutual understanding and setting the stage for future actions. Confronting any issue head-on promotes a healthier work environment and prevents prolonged dissatisfaction. 

2. Recognise & Reward Great Work 

Employee recognition is not just about a pat on the back – it is a strategic investment in your organisation’s future. Recognise and celebrate performing employees to motivate them and instill a sense of satisfaction and responsibility. Positive feedback is a powerful motivator, reinforcing the value of their contributions. 

3. Set Smart Goals 

Goal setting within the performance review process transcends simply listing aspirations and aligning them with KPI’s. It is a strategic exercise that bridges past performance with future aspirations, fostering a sense of direction and purpose.  

Through collaborative goal setting, employees and managers work together to define SMART goals that are directly aligned with the broader organizational objectives, providing a clear roadmap to success. 

READ ALSO: 5 Proven hacks for employee goal setting

4. Redefine Roles & Responsibilities 

As employees grow, their roles and responsibilities should evolve. Annual performance reviews are an ideal time to discuss potential lateral or vertical moves. This can involve taking on new responsibilities or exploring different departments, ensuring employees remain challenged and engaged in their careers. 

5. Prepare for the Next Cycle’s Appraisal 

Start preparing for the next appraisal immediately. Keep a running list of achievements throughout the year, documenting successes as they occur with a robust performance management system or HRMS. This ensures that notable accomplishments are not overlooked, giving a comprehensive view of an employee’s contributions. 

“Positive feedback is a powerful motivator, reinforcing the value of their contributions”

Effective communication between employees and supervisors during the review process is crucial. Transparency and honesty are key to success and productivity. By fostering an environment of open dialogue and continuous feedback, you will drive meaningful change and empower your employees. 

Explore our demo 

Ready to transform your organization’s performance management process? Request a demo and take the first step towards empowering your employees. 

Managing Processes

Choosing the Best HR Tech: Essential Factors to Consider 

By Aisosa Ajayi

It’s the start of a business year, and you need the right operational tools to scale. These tools include adopting flexible and tailor-made human resource technology that will significantly impact your organisation’s efficiency and effectiveness.  

With a plethora of options in the market, it is essential to carefully consider critical features that make the selected Human Resources Information System (HRIS) the best fit for your company. In this article, we have dissected the key factors to consider.  


An HRIS’s primary advantage lies in its ability to automate manual processes, enhance efficiency and minimise errors. Choose a solution which incorporates features such as an automated workflow on HR processes and employee self-service functionalities. These features contribute to a seamless and error-free workflow.  

For instance, HumanManager helps you automate all processes from employee entry to exit which gives you the time to focus on strategic business growth.  


Efficient integration with new and existing software is crucial for a streamlined workflow. Choose an HRIS that can be integrated with other employee management solutions, including payroll, time and attendance, and benefits management. This integration ensures a cohesive data flow, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the chances of errors.  


Robust reporting capabilities are essential for gaining insights into various HR metrics and empower you to make informed decisions. Your chosen HRIS should offer customisable reporting features, allowing you to generate real-time data such as employee turnover and headcount.  


Compliance with all extant laws in your area of jurisdiction is non-negotiable for any human resources management system. Choose a solution that provides features such as automatic updates on HR policies, compliance tracking, and other tools that support adherence to legal requirements. Being compliant safeguards your organisation and fosters a culture of trust among all stakeholders.  

5.Employee Self-Service 

Enhance your overall employee experience with self-service features that foster engagement and reduce the workload on the HR team. An effective HRIS should offer a robust self-service module allowing employees to update their personal information (document uploads, profile update, with little or no paperwork) as well as access data on salary reports, benefits, and lots more.  

6.User-Friendly Interface 

How user-friendly is the HRIS interface for your HR managers and employees? 

Choose a system with an intuitive, user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation. A good interface promotes adoption across the firm, ensure that all users can leverage the system’s functionalities without extensive training.  

Selecting the best HRIS requires a thoughtful analysis of factors that align with your organisation’s specific needs. By prioritising automation, integration, reporting, compliance, employee self-service, and a user-friendly interface, you can identify an HRIS that not only streamlines HR processes but also contributes to the overall success of your firm.  

Look beyond the popularity of the software and invest time in understanding your unique business requirements before selecting the best fit solution. Want to scale your business and give your employees the ease that they deserve? Visit for more information or send an email to [email protected]  

Managing Processes

7 Must-have HR Modules for your Organisation

Human Resource Management (HRM) processes have evolved over the years, with the growing interest in the need to give employees the best opportunities for optimal performance, and to inherently boost revenue.

These inter-related, complex and often difficult tasks could be overwhelming for HR managers, leaving little or no room for strategic planning and proper fusing of their execution into the firm’s operations.

It is therefore important to consider an intuitive and innovative solution that delivers data accuracy, efficient management and enables the aggregation of multi-sourced data for quality decision-making.

When choosing an HR solution, it must have these 7 modules in order to enhance your operational productivity:

  1. Employee Information Management

The beginning of proper HR management is having the right staff data for a comprehensive insight into the type and capacity of the workforce. A good solution simplifies this process and eliminates hours of searching through hardcopy files for relevant staff information whenever required.

2. Administration Module

This helps you manage organisational structure and data through predefined metrics which enable seamless exchanges, approvals and decision-making. There should be clearly defined access rights for users and automated workflows for various processes to eliminate the need for time-consuming manual approval processes.

3. Performance Management

A fit-for-purpose appraisal system is key to evaluating individual and collective contributions towards set organisational objectives. This module simplifies the management of various appraisal systems including the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or the Balanced Scorecard systems for an appraisal cycle.

4. Leave Management

According to a popular proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. You can now ensure that your employees take the needed rests as and when due, using a leave management solution to specify applicable leave types, staff entitlements, applicable allowances and schedule vacation times among others while ensuring a smooth handover.

5. Expense Management

Certain jobs demand staff to spend on behalf of companies, and on time too. This process can however be taxing due to the required audits and approval requirements. Automating the entire flow from advances to retirements or even re-imbursements and all the settings to align with company policies is the sure way to go!

6. Payroll Management

Another major source of expenditure of organisations is the compensation system, which largely involves the payroll. You can achieve more productive time for other HR functions and avoid falling on the wrong side of the law when you automate this complex process with the right application.

7. Self-Service

The self-service module empowers employees to comprehensively manage their personal information as well as drive transaction flows, approvals and feedback to monitor progress with relevant processes. Strict access rights should be applied as expected of a standard business support application.

In addition, when all activities have been carried out on the system — transactions passed, approvals given and major processes completed, reporting is the output that makes the work worthwhile for decision-making. Also, a comprehensive solution should have an up-to-date reporting system with easy-to-use infographics for high-level information from the solution.

You need not worry about where and how you can get all these benefits in one solution.

HumanManager, known for its 28 years of optimising workforce and talent management processes, can give you all these benefits and more.

Visit now to request a DEMO and get started!