Managing Leaders

5 Steps to Overcome a Career Plateau

By Angela Oghenejode

A career is more than just a job, it is what we diligently build with our skills and talents while providing personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

The moment you no longer feel fulfilled, recognized, appreciated, and undervalued, a career plateau sets in. This occurs due to several factors, reaching a stage in your career where it feels like progression is no longer possible, lack of job openings for growth, or personal factors that curtail career development. This often leads to feelings of being stagnant in your current role, decreased motivation, frustration, boredom, and dissatisfaction with the work environment or career prospects. Encountering a career plateau should not signal the end of the road, rather it is a time to go back to the drawing board to reassess & reinvent to come back renewed.

Here are five steps to help employees and employers overcome a career plateau.

1. Recognize the Signs

For employees, the first step is to recognize the signs of a career plateau—feeling bored, unchallenged, or stuck in the same position for an extended period. Employers should also be vigilant in identifying these signs among their team members, as it can affect job performance and overall productivity. Conducting a self-assessment helps employees understand their strengths, weaknesses, and career goals, which is essential for determining the root cause of the plateau. Employers can facilitate this process by offering regular performance reviews and feedback sessions.

2. Pursue Skills Development

Employees should actively seek opportunities to upgrade their skills through professional development courses, workshops, or gaining new certifications. This not only prepares you for future roles but also keeps you engaged in their current position. Employers can support this by offering a robust training and development program that includes internal training, online courses, seminars, and even tuition reimbursement for relevant studies. By investing in employees’ growth, companies not only enhance their talent pool but also improve employee satisfaction and retention.

3. Explore New Responsibilities

Employees who feel stuck should look for new challenges within their current roles. This might include taking on additional responsibilities, seeking out job rotation opportunities, or leading new projects. Employers can play a crucial role by identifying and offering these opportunities. Even if there’s no immediate chance for promotion, giving employees more autonomy or new tasks can make their current roles more fulfilling and prevent burnout.

4. Facilitate Networking Opportunities

Networking is vital for career growth. Employees should actively engage with peers, attend industry events, and build connections that might lead to new opportunities or career insights. Employers can foster networking by encouraging participation in professional organizations, hosting company events, and promoting cross-departmental collaboration. A strong network can help employees explore new career paths and gain perspectives that are essential for overcoming a plateau.

5. Seek Mentorship

Mentorship can be a powerful tool in navigating a career plateau. Employees should seek out mentors who can offer guidance, share experiences, and encourage during challenging times. For employers, establishing a formal mentorship program can help employees connect with seasoned professionals who can guide them through their career journey. This not only benefits the employee but also strengthens the organization by building a culture of continuous learning and support.

A career plateau, though difficult, offers a chance for growth for both employees and employers. By identifying the signs, enhancing skills, taking on new challenges, expanding networks, and seeking mentorship, employees can revitalize their careers, while employers can foster a more engaged and energized workforce. When navigating a career plateau, remember Jenny Steve Jobs’ advice: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, don’t settle.” Let the plateau drive you to discover the best opportunities and focus on where you want to be.

About The Author

Angela Oghenejode is a product manager at HumanManager, where she is responsible for system users’ performance and overall business growth. Angela holds an MBA, and she is an Alumna of the Lagos Business School.

Managing Teams

Tips For Building Your Team’s Psychological Safety  

By Helen Akhidenor 

Psychological safety is the shared expectation among employees that they will not be embarrassed, rejected, or punished for sharing ideas, taking risks, and seeking feedback. It does not mean that everyone is nice to each other all the time. Instead, it encourages open dialogue, honest feedback, and constructive conflict resolution, ensuring that everyone feels valued and heard. 

Psychological safety directly impacts an organisation’s bottom line. It is, however, harder to build psychological safety in a hybrid or remote work environment because interactions are primarily virtual. These then present unique opportunities for leaders to forge connections through intentional and authentic communication. 

Read on to discover tips to build your team’s psychological safety: 

  1. Prioritise Learning Over Execution  

When projects fall short, pause to analyse the situation rather than rushing to fix it. See setbacks as valuable learning opportunities that can fuel team discussions and collective problem-solving. This approach fosters an open dialogue devoid of shame, empowering team members to speak candidly about challenges. 

  1. Encourage Experimentation  

Innovation thrives on the willingness to explore new ideas. Promote a culture where taking risks is welcomed and define success in terms of hypothesis testing rather than certainties. This mindset not only encourages creative thinking but also reduces the fear associated with failure, making team members more likely to share bold ideas. 

  1. Foster Curiosity 

As a leader, demonstrate curiosity by asking questions that challenge the status quo. This behaviour not only initiates meaningful conversations but also establishes an environment where vulnerability is accepted. When leaders show that they too have room to grow, it encourages team members to embrace their learning journeys. 

  1. Own Your Mistakes 

Acknowledging your fallibility is essential for promoting psychological safety. By transparently discussing your errors and taking ownership, you set an example for your team. This openness cultivates an atmosphere where team members feel comfortable admitting their mistakes and learning from them collectively. 

  1. Nurture Team Values 

Clear values and norms are integral to maintaining psychological safety within the team. Create a shared mission statement that outlines the principles your team should follow. Regularly revisit these values to ensure they resonate with evolving team dynamics and encourage accountability to uphold them. 

Building a psychologically safe team is a continuous journey that requires commitment and effort from leaders. By implementing these practical tips, you can create an environment where team members feel empowered to express themselves, take risks, and contribute to the organization’s success.  

Remember, fostering psychological safety not only enhances team dynamics but also drives innovation and performance, ultimately leading to a thriving workplace culture. Embrace the challenge and watch your team flourish. 

Equip HR and managers with tools to engage, recognize, and drive performance. Explore HumanManager 

HM Digest

Reinventing HR Processes in the Digital Era 

At the HR Tech Playground in Ghana recently, HumanManager in partnership with HR Focus and MTN Ghana, shared insights on the theme “Reinventing HR processes in the digital era”. The event provided a platform to discuss the revolutionary changes taking place in the HR landscape and the unprecedented opportunities that come with it. 

Our conversation focused on the challenges faced in traditional HR processes, emphasising the need for a comprehensive digital solution that can adapt and scale with organisational needs. The spotlight was on our innovative HR Information System (HRIS) and payroll software, designed to address these challenges head-on. 

HumanManager was highlighted for its ability to streamline administrative tasks, reduce errors, and free up HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. Additionally, it centralises all HR data, providing a sole source of truth and actionable insights. The software is also automatically updated to reflect the latest labour laws and regulations, ensuring compliance management. 

Looking ahead, innovation now borders on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to enhance predictive analytics for talent management, blockchain for ensuring data security and transparency, and mobile-first solutions to cater to the increasing workforce.  

A commitment was made to stay ahead of the curve, and continuously improve HumanManager to meet the evolving needs of employees and employers alike.  

At the event, we highlighted how HumanManager HR and Payroll software is setting the pace in digital HR through its comprehensive solution to the challenges faced using traditional HR processes. The engaging session received positive feedback and sparked meaningful discussions on the future of HR management systems. 

Want to transform your HR processes? Visit or contact us here for a demo. 

Managing Processes

Mastering Salary Benchmarking: 6 Key Factors to Attract & Retain Talent 

By Opeyemi Olutan 

In a rapidly evolving job market, staying competitive in terms of compensation is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. Salary benchmarking helps to ensure that your organisation’s compensation packages are fair, attractive, and aligned with industry standards. By considering diverse variables, you can develop a comprehensive strategy that adapts to the changing dynamics of the job market.  

Here are six essential variables to consider when conducting salary benchmarking. 

1. Industry trends and standards 

Staying abreast of the latest industry salary trends and standards is essential to stay competitive. By understanding what other companies in the industry are offering, your firm can adjust its compensation packages to attract top talent. 

2. Geographical Location 

Salaries can vary significantly based on geographical location due to factors such as the cost of living and regional demand for specific skills. Adjusting salary benchmarks based on location ensures fairness and competitiveness in different job markets. 

3. Job Roles and Responsibilities 

Clear definitions of job roles and responsibilities are crucial for accurate benchmarking against similar positions in the market. Understanding the scope and complexity of each role helps in determining appropriate salary ranges. 

4. Skills and Experience 

Consideration of the skills, qualifications, and experience required for each role is important in determining salary benchmarks. Employees with specialised skills or extensive experience often command higher salaries, and benchmarking should reflect these differences. 

5. Market Supply and Demands 

Monitoring the supply and demand for specific job roles in the market is essential for adjusting salary benchmarks. High demand for certain skills can drive up salaries, while an oversupply may keep them lower. Aligning benchmarks with market dynamics helps your firm remain competitive. 

6. Company Size and Financial Health 

The size and financial health of an organisation can impact its salary structures. Firms with strong financial positions may offer higher salaries to attract top talent, while smaller organisations may need to balance competitive pay with budget limitations. Other incentives like profit sharing, stock options, and performance bonuses can be considered. 

By considering these variables, you can develop a flexible and comprehensive salary benchmarking strategy that adapts to changing market conditions. This approach helps in attracting and retaining top talent and ensures that employees are fairly compensated for their skills and contributions. 

In conclusion, salary benchmarking is a vital practice to create a fair and competitive compensation structure. By considering the variables outlined above, you can ensure that your firm’s salary packages remain attractive and aligned with industry standards. 

For more insights into salary benchmarking techniques and best practices, click HERE to watch the Corporate Catalyst Conversations (#CCC) second edition webinar. 


Is Salary Enough to Keep Your Top Talent? Tips to Attract & Retain  

By Olakunle Yusuff

The war for talent is real! Most employees are actively considering new job opportunities that align with their aspirations and career growth. While a competitive salary is certainly important, it is just one piece of the puzzle. Employees now crave a workplace that fosters growth, values well-being, and aligns with their values.   

So, how can your firm stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract – and keep – the best talent? Here are seven powerful strategies that go beyond the paycheck to create a work environment that top talent will love:  

  1. Have a Compelling Benefits Package  

Move beyond the basics. Offer a comprehensive benefits package that includes health insurance, retirement plans, generous paid time off, and learning opportunities for professional development. This shows your commitment to your employees’ overall well-being and future success.  

  1. Prioritise Work-Life Balance  

Today’s employees are juggling work, family, and personal commitments. Offering flexible work hours, remote or hybrid work options, and supportive policies for parental leave or caregiving demonstrates that you value their time and well-being.  

  1. Cultivate a Positive Work Culture  

It is not just about tennis tables and free lunches (although, these can be nice perks!). Build a positive culture of open communication, collaboration, and a sense of community. Encourage teamwork, recognise employee contributions using data-driven performance appraisal, and empower your team members to do their best work.  

  1. Invest in Career Development  

Employees want to feel like and see that they are growing and progressing in their careers. Provide clear paths for advancement, mentorship programs, and opportunities for skill development and training. This shows your employees that you are invested in their long-term success within the company.  

  1. Recognise & Reward Achievements  

A simple “Thank you” and “You did a great job” goes a long way. However, consider implementing programs that acknowledge employee contributions through bonuses, incentives, or public recognition. Feeling valued and appreciated boosts morale and motivation to do more.  

  1. Promote Workplace Wellness  

A healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce. Go beyond traditional health insurance by offering employee assistance programs, mental health support, and on-site wellness initiatives.  

  1. Align with a Higher Purpose  

Help your employees connect their work to a bigger mission. What positive impact does your company make in its immediate environment and beyond? What Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative is your firm supporting?   

By aligning with employees’ values and offering work that contributes to a meaningful purpose, you can enhance job satisfaction and loyalty.  

Embrace Technology for Recruitment and Retention  

Job seekers can easily rate a firm based on the recruitment process and the attitude of interviewers. The good news? HR tech, social media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and other technological tools can significantly enhance your recruitment process and employee retention. Explore platforms that facilitate easy communication, knowledge sharing, and onsite and virtual team building.  

By implementing these strategies, you can create a work environment that goes beyond just a paycheck. You will attract top talent who is looking for a place to grow, contribute, and feel valued.  

Ready to learn more about building a talent-magnet company culture? Click Here to watch our webinar replay on salary benchmarking techniques and Subscribe to our newsletter for HR tips and insights delivered straight to your inbox!  

Managing Teams

Key training needs for remote teams 

By Akin Omojola

Once a benefit for only a select few, remote work is now an integral part of our professional fabric. Since the pandemic in 2020, about 49 percent of sub-Saharan African enterprises have retained a remote work culture in one form or another. This transformation ushers in training and learning needs that traditional office settings often do not require.  

Managing a remote team comes with its challenges, including ensuring that team members have the necessary soft and technical skills to thrive in a virtual environment. To achieve success in remote teams, you must identify, and address employee learning needs as stated below: 

  1. Effective Communication 

Remote teams convey their ideas and feedback via written and verbal communication. As such, team members should be coached on effective communication, email etiquette, project management/messaging platforms, and virtual meeting tools to avoid misinformation. 

Remote team members can empower themselves with courses on e-learning platforms or workshops focused on effective communication in a virtual environment. Beyond teams, organisations must also communicate clearly with all employees through regular news feeds, intranet chat lines, and online townhall sessions. 

  1. Time Management 

Remote work offers flexibility in terms of when and where team members work, but it also requires significant levels of self-discipline and time management skills. Team members must be able to prioritise tasks, set deadlines, and manage their time effectively to meet project goals and deadlines. 

To enhance time management skills, remote teams can utilise project management tools and calendars to organise their workload and track progress.  

Another key issue is meeting management. Organisations should adopt a single application for virtual meetings to avoid clashes and stick to meeting schedules as a corporate culture. 

  1. Technology Know-how 

Remote teams rely heavily on technology to communicate, collaborate, and complete tasks. As such, remote team members should be proficient in using a variety of digital tools and platforms to work effectively in a virtual setting. This includes familiarity with video conferencing software, project management tools, filesharing platforms, and other technology solutions that facilitate remote work. 

  1. Security 

Remote work comes with data security risks. New and modern frameworks should be adopted, and all employees should be aware that data security is their joint responsibility. Network hardening should be implemented since staff work from different local uncontrolled environments. Data loss protection (DLP) policies and technologies may be employed in addition to employee training

  1. Team Building 

Remote team members should build strong relationships, establish trust, communicate openly, and work effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and locations. This can be done through regular meetings or check-ins to maintain connections and build rapport with colleagues, as well as virtual team-building activities like online games, group discussions, or collaborative projects.  

Team leads and human resources managers are also responsible for tracking engagement and mental stress among employees. Full remote organisations could sponsor physical hangouts periodically to foster a better corporate identity. 

Lastly, remote teams have unique learning needs that must be addressed to ensure their success in a virtual work environment. By investing in training and development opportunities/Platforms for remote teams, you can empower your employees to work effectively and collaboratively, regardless of their physical location.

HM Digest

HumanManager’s Adekunbi Ademiluyi shares insights into closing the gaps and advancing inclusion for African women 

In a recent interview, our Managing Director, Adekunbi Ademiluyi, discussed the challenges faced by African women in leadership, education, and their overall experiences. Despite some progress, African women still encounter some obstacles hindering their growth.  

Adekunbi emphasised the gender disparity in leadership roles across Africa, attributing it to cultural practices, gender stereotypes, and limited legal protection. To address this, efforts must focus on challenging these practices, promoting equality, and empowering women for leadership roles. 

Education accessibility is a fundamental right, yet girls and women in Africa face obstacles due to insecurity, traditional beliefs, and limited resources, especially in regions like Northern Nigeria.  

Overcoming these issues requires investing in educational infrastructure, providing scholarships, and challenging norms inhibiting girls’ education. Equal education access empowers African women to contribute significantly to their communities and nations. 

Furthermore, Adekunbi highlighted the gender pay gap, where women, including self-employed individuals, earn 34% less than men. Policies and legislation promoting equal pay are crucial in addressing this disparity. Awareness and education about the gender pay gap are also essential, along with fostering workplace cultures that value equality. 

Adekunbi also addressed gender-based violence, stressing the need for regulation and inclusion of women in financial services. Central Banks in Africa have begun initiatives like agency banking to include more women. Expanding these efforts and creating safe environments can empower African women to overcome challenges. 

Overall, concerted efforts are needed to empower African women. By challenging cultural norms, promoting equality, investing in education, addressing the pay gap, and combating gender-based violence, African women can reach their full potential. Collaboration between governments, organisations, and individuals is crucial to create an equitable society where African women thrive and contribute to development.  

Watch the full interview on News Central TV Here  

Adekunbi Ademiluyi is the first female Managing Director of HumanManager, and also an Executive Director of SystemSpecs Group. Her expertise spans over two decades in Financial and Information Technology, Banking, Human Resources Management and Data Management. Follow HumanManager on Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook and X 

HM Digest

Unleash Your Employees’ Potential with HumanManager’s Comprehensive Learning Module 

By Stephen Adewumi

In a world driven by constant evolution, staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptability. HumanManager proudly unveils its latest offering – the Learning module, a robust platform designed to empower your staff and propel them towards their full potential.  

Gone are the days of traditional training methods. Today, a sophisticated LMS is imperative for staying competitive. A well-structured learning management system serves as the backbone for efficient training, ensuring that employees are equipped with the skills needed to navigate the rapidly changing business environment.  

With our Learning module, we have set new standards that fit current business needs for tailored and impactful learning experiences. 

What makes our LMS unique? 

Our LMS’ vast content library offers a comprehensive pool of courses tailored to specific needs and goals, which you can access on the go. Aside from learning through this platform, employees can become content creators, fostering internal expertise and crafting custom learning materials.  

Effortless management and delivery are at the core of HumanManager Learning. With smooth scheduling and top-notch support, organising training sessions becomes easy-peasy. You also get to stay compliant with organisational guidelines – thanks to detailed reports and valuable insights that inform training strategies and track progress effectively. 

The interactive and engaging learning experience is taken to new heights with features like virtual classrooms, multimedia support, and online assessments. These elements foster active participation, collaboration, and knowledge retention, ensuring that the learning journey is not only informative but enjoyable. 

HumanManager Learning goes beyond being just an LMS. It is key to unlocking the full potential of your staff and propelling your organisation towards a future of continuous success and innovation. 

Email: [email protected] or call +2342016348922 to learn more about HumanManager Learning Module.  

Managing Processes

Choosing the Best HR Tech: Essential Factors to Consider 

By Aisosa Ajayi

It’s the start of a business year, and you need the right operational tools to scale. These tools include adopting flexible and tailor-made human resource technology that will significantly impact your organisation’s efficiency and effectiveness.  

With a plethora of options in the market, it is essential to carefully consider critical features that make the selected Human Resources Information System (HRIS) the best fit for your company. In this article, we have dissected the key factors to consider.  


An HRIS’s primary advantage lies in its ability to automate manual processes, enhance efficiency and minimise errors. Choose a solution which incorporates features such as an automated workflow on HR processes and employee self-service functionalities. These features contribute to a seamless and error-free workflow.  

For instance, HumanManager helps you automate all processes from employee entry to exit which gives you the time to focus on strategic business growth.  


Efficient integration with new and existing software is crucial for a streamlined workflow. Choose an HRIS that can be integrated with other employee management solutions, including payroll, time and attendance, and benefits management. This integration ensures a cohesive data flow, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the chances of errors.  


Robust reporting capabilities are essential for gaining insights into various HR metrics and empower you to make informed decisions. Your chosen HRIS should offer customisable reporting features, allowing you to generate real-time data such as employee turnover and headcount.  


Compliance with all extant laws in your area of jurisdiction is non-negotiable for any human resources management system. Choose a solution that provides features such as automatic updates on HR policies, compliance tracking, and other tools that support adherence to legal requirements. Being compliant safeguards your organisation and fosters a culture of trust among all stakeholders.  

5.Employee Self-Service 

Enhance your overall employee experience with self-service features that foster engagement and reduce the workload on the HR team. An effective HRIS should offer a robust self-service module allowing employees to update their personal information (document uploads, profile update, with little or no paperwork) as well as access data on salary reports, benefits, and lots more.  

6.User-Friendly Interface 

How user-friendly is the HRIS interface for your HR managers and employees? 

Choose a system with an intuitive, user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation. A good interface promotes adoption across the firm, ensure that all users can leverage the system’s functionalities without extensive training.  

Selecting the best HRIS requires a thoughtful analysis of factors that align with your organisation’s specific needs. By prioritising automation, integration, reporting, compliance, employee self-service, and a user-friendly interface, you can identify an HRIS that not only streamlines HR processes but also contributes to the overall success of your firm.  

Look beyond the popularity of the software and invest time in understanding your unique business requirements before selecting the best fit solution. Want to scale your business and give your employees the ease that they deserve? Visit for more information or send an email to [email protected]  

Managing Processes

Errors To Avoid During Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisals have proven to be one of the best ways to improve employees’ productivity and enhance outcomes. This periodic evaluation of staff performance provides feedback on their strengths and weaknesses, enhances subsequent output, helps identify and reward high-performing members of staff, and determines appropriate salary upgrades.

Despite its numerous benefits, a lot of mistakes — sometimes known as rater errors — from a supervisor’s biased viewpoint can result in low morale, anxiety, poor job satisfaction, or even loss of job. It is therefore pertinent that supervisors, managers, and human resources personnel understand these biases and how to eliminate them during appraisal exercises.

These few points present some of the pitfalls that must be avoided and how to overcome them:

1. Central Tendency/Favoritism/Grouping

Challenge: The appraiser rates staff in a not-too-good or not-too-bad category. This is unfair to employees who really deserve a higher grading.

Solution: Establish and agree on SMARTKey Performance Index (KPI) at the beginning of the appraisal period and evaluate performance against these goals. Also, document observable behaviour over the entire performance cycle.

2. The Halo/Horns Effect

Challenge: Occurs when the appraiserallows specific positive or negative factors related to the employee’s work affect the overall assessment of performance.

Solution: Track and document performance based on agreed KPIs daily, weekly, monthly, bi-annually, or annually. Identify specific behavioural attributes that support your ratings and be sure that none is influenced because it is particularly admirable or irritating.

3. Bias/Comparison/Holding a Grudge

Challenge: This is when the appraiser makes an employee suffer for past behaviour, irrespective of the positive output at work or when the appraiser judges the employee based on factors like state of origin, gender, religion, age, disability, weight, height, marital status, etc.

Solution: Focus on the employee’s work, not on personal matters, unless those personal matters affect the work of the employee. Check your perceptions for accuracy, fairness, balance, and consistency.

4. Recency

Challenge: This occurs when an appraiser rates only recent performance, good or bad.

Solution: Keep track of performance and document observable behaviour over the entire performance cycle to get a balanced view. Ask others for their observations of the employee to see if they have different views.

5. The Sunflower Effect

Challenge: This is when an appraiser rates employees high regardless of performance, to make themselves look good or to be able to give more compensation.

Solution: Employees can justify ratings through tracked comments across set approval workflows for various levels.

6. First Impression Error

Challenge: This is the rater’s tendency to let their first impression of an employee’s performance carry too much weight in the evaluation of performance over an entire rating period.

Solution: Appraisals should support regular feedback, reports and trend analysis to help line managers and HR track employee’s rating over a period.

7. Concluding appraisals without feedback for improvement

Challenge: Employees do not get comprehensive feedback after the appraisal exercise.

Solution: Use an automated appraisal system that allows for feedback. Always provide unbiased feedback about employees’ strengths and weaknesses, and even suggest helpful measures to boost outcomes.

Appraisal errors can cause your entire performance review programme to lose credibility among your employees. Consistent analysis of the process can help avoid this situation!

With HumanManager, you can enjoy a seamless and efficient performance management process that suits interactions within your organisation among employees at all levels, as well as in the physical and virtual workspace. HumanManager makes it a lot easier to achieve your organisational goals.

Ready for a topnotch appraisal? Get started at